Making Data Applications Intelligent and Accessible

Synnada will empower data teams of the future by providing them with elemental blocks and infrastructure components required to create, maintain and optimize intelligent, real-time, mission-critical data systems.

Synnada / [noun] Synnada (Greek: τὰ Σύνναδα) was an ancient town of Phrygia Salutaris in Asia Minor.

We named the company Synnada as we love ancient Anatolian civilizations and are fascinated by epic stories related to Anatolia such as Alexander cutting the Gordian Knot.
Gordian Knot is often used as a metaphor for an impossible or very hard-to-solve problem solved in an unconventional way by finding an approach to the problem that renders the perceived constraints of the problem moot.
This is very similar to Kobayashi Maru challenge from Star Trek in which the subject can solve the problem only by breaking the rules of the game.
This is the fundamental founding idea of Synnada. Data application workflows are currently built on top of a fragmented data stack that is not effective in the AI-native era, resulting in a data chasm akin to a tangled knot. We address this challenge by introducing AI-native data infrastructure, transforming the way data applications are built (effectively cutting the knot).

Meet the Phrygians

We’re a team of builders striving for greatness, guided by our core values. Our values drive our actions and decisions every day, both as individuals and as a collective team. They reflect who we are, how we operate, and what we aspire to achieve.

Mustafa Akur

Founding Engineer

Pınar Bayata

Founding Designer

Mehmet Ozan Kabak

Founder, CEO

Berat Tuna Karlı

Founding Engineer

Kuter Kırımer

Strategy Associate

Nazım Önder Orhan

Founding Engineer

Berkay Şahin

Founding Engineer

Sami Can Tandoğdu

Founder, COO

Metehan Yıldırım

Founding Engineer

Sertaç Cebeci

Founding Engineer

Barış Kaya

Founding Engineer

See Available Positions

Values of a Phrygian

We’re a team of builders striving for greatness, guided by our core values. Our values drive our actions and decisions every day, both as individuals and as a collective team. They reflect who we are, how we operate, and what we aspire to achieve.


Doers who know that execution is paramount
and are not afraid to dirty their hands.


Knowledgeable yet retain a never-ending thirst for knowledge.


Acknowledges that great power comes with
great responsibility.


Excited by the opportunity to have a significant impact on the company’s success.


Thinkers who would passionately argue for their beliefs.


Team players who value teamwork and recognize the strength of diverse perspectives and ideas.

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